by mattlynes on 10 May, 2019
Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 takes place between the 13th and 19th May. The event started in 2001 and has raised awareness of several topics including alcohol, friendship, loneliness, relationships, sleep and stress. The theme for 2019 is Body Image and how we think about and feel about our bodies.
Body issues can affect anyone at any age. Our bodies are chosen for us and nothing can match the complexity of them. They evolve and change with age just like the rest of us. Our bodies are unique to us and not one body on the world is the same. However, in modern times we grow up with a preconception of what our body should look like. This comes from all areas with social media and celebrities playing a huge part in the problem, a problem that leads to anxiety and depression amongst other mental health issues.
Sometimes people face a stigma or cruelty as friends and family have used how we look as a way to put people down. Nobody should ever be ashamed of their body. As a society, we should be kinder to our bodies to stop the sometimes debilitating sense of dissatisfaction people feel with their bodies.
The Lib Dems recognise the importance of mental health and want an equality of funding for mental health services.
There are many ways to get involved in Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 so why not follow this link to find out more.
You can also follow the events of social media at #BeBodyKind #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek
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