World Refugee Day: 20th June

by aldc on 1 June, 2017

The 20th June is United Nations World Refugee Day – a campaign to express solidarity with people forced to flee their homes and countries.

The #WithRefugees campaign encourages governments to take action to help those in need and to live up to their pledges and commitments.

In 2016 public pressure forced the Government to offer sanctuary to 3,000 refugee children.

You and I both know this is only a small number of the many children making treacherous journeys to Europe only to be left stranded in camps in France, Greece and Italy.

But it was a start. Sadly, in February Theresa May and the Conservative Government broke that promise. They closed the scheme down having taken only 350 refugee children.

These children remain alone. They face exploitation, hunger and homelessness. They need our help. Britain offered to help 3,000 of them – and then simply walked away.

Together, you and I can make the Government think again.

Public pressure forced the Government to offer help in the first place. If enough people back our campaign, public pressure can do the same again.

I’m proud to be a Liberal Democrat. We will continue to push for Britain to live up to it’s responsibility to help those in need and fleeing war or persecution.

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