Happy Movember 2017 – Be the difference

by aldc on 25 October, 2017

Happy Movember

Many of you will know Movember as the month where lots of people grow a moustache. But do you know the reason behind the month of the moustache?

The Movember Foundation exists to help prevent early death for men across the world and Movember itself was created to highlight some of the most common illnesses that affect men’s lives. Mental health, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. You can help protect our fathers, brothers, sons and friends by helping to draw attention to these health problems. Go to uk.movember.com to find out more about how you can get involved this Movember.

Mental Health

3 out of 4 suicides in the UK are men and it is the biggest killer of men aged 20-49 in England and Wales. Liberal Democrats have been calling for more funding for mental health services for years, delivering new maximum waiting times and trying to raise the profile of these often overlooked services. Luckily open conversation can help us to tackle this extremely common problem. Raising awareness through Movember and removing the taboo from how you talk about mental health could help someone you love.

People from every walk of life can suffer from poor mental health and too few keep quiet about it. It’s estimated that 1 in 4 people in the UK will have mental health problems in their lives. You are not alone!

Treat it like you would a physical injury and go to the doctor.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the UK. It kills 1 man every 45 minutes here. Over at the Prostate Cancer UK website you can find out if you’re at risk and what to do if you’re worried – www.prostatecanceruk.org

Testicular Cancer

2,400 men are diagnosed with testicular cancer each year in the UK. It is the most common cancer for men under 40. If you have any questions you should visit this NHS website – click here

If you notice something, do something

You know your body better than anyone else. If something feels wrong get to the doctor. Both Prostate Cancer and Testicular Cancer can be treated more successfully the earlier they’re found. Don’t risk it, go to the doctor.


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