World Diabetes Day 14th November 2017

by aldc on 6 November, 2017

Diabetes across the world

1 in 10 adults across the world will have diabetes by 2040 if current trends continue.

Including 313 million women. That’s why this year the theme of World Diabetes Day 2017 is Women and diabetes.

The campaign is designed to share the importance of affordable access for all women at risk for or living with diabetes to the essential diabetes medicines and technologies.

You can visit the International Diabetes Federation website ( to learn more about the challenges facing diabetics and how to raise awareness by hosting an event. Together we can help women and girls across the world get fair and free treatment, as well as the education needed to help prevent diabetes taking hold.

Diabetes in Great Britain

In Britain diabetes is an ever increasing problem, in fact since 1996 the number of diabetics has more than doubled. Luckily understanding the causes of type 2 diabetes can help prevent it ever being an issue for many people.

With a few simple steps you can limit your likelihood of getting type 2 diabetes and share that learning with your family too. Take a look here at the NHS guide to avoiding diabetes (–

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